Have you noticed sweat-like droplets around your toilet tank? If you do, is it something that you should be concerned about? Toilet sweating is caused by the moisture or condensation on the toilet tank. This condensation leaves your bathroom floor damp for several days. Let’s talk more about toilet sweating and what can we do about it.
Why Is My Toilet Tank Sweating? Is It Bad?
Condensation on the toilet tank forms during warm weather. If the weather is warm, condensation forms when damp air touches a cold surface. The excessive moisture will then drip off your bathroom floor leaving it wet for too long. The constant dripping of water on the bathroom floor may lead to
mold growth, and it can become a
habitat of bacteria which causes serious illnesses. If left ignored, this condensation can also damage the bathroom flooring over time. Leaving your bathroom floor wet for so long makes it slippery and can be a safety hazard for toilet users as well.
How to Prevent Condensation on the Toilet Tank
Here are the ways you can stop condensation on the toilet tank.
Install a Drip Tray
Installing a drip tray is a less costly solution for toilet sweating. Putting a drip tray under the toilet tank keeps the dripping moisture off the floor. This will also prevent your bathroom floor from possible damage caused by the excess moisture dripping from the toilet tank. You need to empty the tray regularly to keep it from overflowing.
Insulate Your Toilet Tank
Insulating the tank’s interior keeps it warm and prevents condensation on the toilet tank. Doing this requires you to empty the tank and fit the insulating foam panels, and glue them to the tank’s interior. You can visit a nearby hardware shop and ask for DIY insulation kits.
Anti-Sweat Valve Installation
Installing an anti-sweat valve to your toilet tank is another best solution. This plumbing part adds hot water to the toilet’s water line. It raises the temperature in the toilet to heat both the bowl and the tank. The hot water coming into the toilet tank is enough to keep it warm which keeps condensation from forming.
Minimize Moisture
A change of habit in using the toilet can also make a difference. Make it a habit to open the bathroom windows or turn on the bathroom fan during and after you shower. Doing this ventilates the area and prevents moisture from forming. You can also invest in placing a dehumidifier in your bathroom to minimize the amount of air moisture in the room.
What Do I Do If My Toilet Is Still Damp and Wet?

If you keep on seeing puddles of water around the toilet and on the bathroom floor, it can be more than toilet sweating. It’s possible that the culprit is not the condensation on the toilet tank. You might be dealing with a serious plumbing issue! If this happens,
call us right away to have your toilet checked and fix.